
My Station with my Equipment:

Transceiver HF: Kenwood TS-990s + 2x SP-990 + Kenwood equipment

ESSB: ART MPA-II Tube Pre-amp / ART Voice Channel / ElectroVoice RE-320 MIC

ESSB: Boss SE-50 / Yoga EM-240 / 8-Band EQ V6

Antennas HF: SteppIR 6m-40m / 2x46m Inverted-V with openline with PAOLL tuner 

Amplifiers: Acom 1200s

Tower: cranks up to 78ft high with motorized construction tower


Very Old Shack:

With the Kenwood TS-950sdx flagship and station monitor SM-230

The DX beam!!!

And like i said….afterwards we like to… something 😉

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